Short Stories For English Learners (Flood)

Short Stories For English Learners ( Flood) “Help!” out of a darkness perhaps ten feet away came the cry. A second later it sounded again, farther downstream, but I could do nothing. A mad rush of icy water was flowing over me. I was clinging to the branches of a tree, my body straight out in the fast-moving current. Then suddenly a form appeared. I recognized it as my son. He grapped one of the branches and gradually pulled himself to the tree. Inch by inch we fought against the powerful current and finally climbed to the top of the little apple tree. Twenty minutes before, we had been in our motorboat, looking for people who were stranded by the flood. The water was almost to the roofs of the houses and still rising. The street lights were out; the houses were dark except for a kerosene lamp left burning in a window here and there. The fire department whistle was warning everyone within hearing distance that the d...