
Learning English Vocabulary (Complete Course)

A Complete Course For Using English vocabulary Lesson one (Talking about language) Important Language Words to talk about Language To talk about language we use important language words . Noun : a person or thing (book, girl, pen) Verb : something we do (do, read, write) Adjective : describes a person or thing (good, bad, happy, long) Adverb ; describes a verb (slowly, badly) Preposition : a little word used before a noun or pronoun  (in, on, by, at) Singular : just one (book, house) Plural : more than one (books, houses) Phrase : a group of words  (not  a complete sentence) in a house, at home, an old man Sentence : a complete idea in writing, beginning with capital letter and ending with a(full stop)   the man went into the   room and closed the   door Paragraph : a short part of a text (one or more sentences) beginning on a new line This book has60 units. Each unit has 2 pages. Dialogue : a conversat...